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Contact us

Want to speak to us on the phone?

Please be aware your call may be recorded to help us improve our services.

Picture of a lady on the phone

For help with your account

Mon – Fri: 8am – 6pm, Sat: 9am – 1pm, our team are ready to help you with any queries, including meters, payment, changing address or getting some support.

Call 0344 346 1010
burst water pipe

For help when things go wrong

Call this number if you have a problem with your water or sewerage supply, or a bogus caller. This is a 24 hour helpline, but between 5pm and 8am, please use it only for emergencies.

Call 0344 346 2020

Other useful numbers


British Sign Language (BSL) users, can now use SignLive to contact us. SignLive is a free service that will connect you to a qualified online BSL interpreter.

Worker flushing water in the street

Report a problem

We’re always grateful to people who report problems when you see them. When your report reaches us, we’ll look into it and get it fixed as soon as possible.

Tell us about a problem
Burst water main in road

Unplanned events

Find out about the support you can expect from us in an emergency, including how we'll contact you.

Learn more

Chat to us online

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We always aim to provide you with the highest possible service. However, sometimes things do go wrong and when they do, we want to know so that we can put them right.

If something has gone wrong, please view our complaints page.

On the flip side

Not all feedback we receive is negative. We also love to hear from you if you feel like we’ve done something right and want to see us do more of the same.

If we did something that particularly exceeded your expectations, and would like to tell us, then please call 0344 346 1010. Our team love to hear from customers when they have given great service.

Get involved

We're looking for people just like you to come along to our customer events and have your say on how we tackle challenges and improve our services.

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