blocked sewers in 2022
blockages caused by fat, oil and grease
flushed per day
spent on blockages per year

Your ordinary steps making an extraordinary difference

Do you know the difference between sewage and sewerage? Sewerage is the system of sewers that transport wastewater (sewage) around.

By keeping the pipes in your sewerage free from blockages, and by doing what we can to stop excess rainwater getting into the network, we can all help keep our gardens, streets, beaches and bathing waters beautiful.

Love your loo

Toilet sewers are simple transportation systems and are designed to cope with human waste, toilet paper and water only. So, we need your help, and it's really easy: only flush the 3Ps - Pee, Paper and Poo.

Love your loo image

Think Sink!

Dispose of fat, oil and grease in the kitchen bin by following 4 easy steps: 1. Scrape excess food into the bin 2. Collect cooled fat into a gunk pot (a recycled jar will do) 3. Wipe any grease from the plates or pans with a paper towel 4. Empty the gunk pot into the bin.

Think Sink! image

Other ordinary steps you can take to protect your sewerage and the environment

You can make an extraordinary difference to how our sewers operate with the simple steps you take in the bathroom and kitchen . But there are more ways you can contribute and keep it everything flowing.

Toilet roll with a smiley face on it
Five ordinary steps

1. Only flush the 3Ps

Pee, Paper and Poo is all that should be going down your loo. Wet wipes and sanitary items can block sewer pipes – they can even end up in rivers and on beaches.
Please bag them and pop them in the bin.

Left over food being scraped into a food waste bin
Five ordinary steps

2. No FOG down the drain

Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) poured down the drain create blockages, which can cause flooding and pollute our beaches. Tip cooled oil into a container, wipe grease from pans and plates with a paper towel and bin both.

A watering can is being filled using a water butt
Five ordinary steps

3. Get a water butt

With a water butt you’ll save water and also keep clean rainwater out of the sewage network. This helps to slow the flow and reduce storm overflow use when it rains. 

FREE water-saving devices
Picture of a dark storm over some hills
Five ordinary steps

4. Think garden - think sponge!

Lawns and flower beds soak up water like a sponge – rain runs quickly off hard surfaces like tarmac and patios and into the sewers. 

More sponges = fewer storm overflows.

Picture of a plumber doing a repair
Five ordinary steps

5. Check it connects

If you’re having a new toilet or appliance installed – check it’s connected to the right pipes. If it’s wrongly connected to a storm drain or surface water sewer it could end up in the sea.

Our guide to get it right

Working together to keep our network flowing

We’re on a mission to stop sewer misuse. So, we’re working with councils and community groups to raise awareness and protect our beautiful rivers and beaches. Watch our short film about what we did in Newquay. If you want us to do something similar in your area, please get in touch.

A note on wipes

We know it gets confusing when wipe companies claim that their wipes are “flushable” and “biodegradable”. Unfortunately, all this means is that they’ll leave your toilet bowl – wipes take many, many years to break down. Unlike toilet paper. Best to be safe and just bin all wipes.

A note on wipes image

Take the pledge to protect our sewers, and be in with the chance of winning a £100 shopping voucher!