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Rivers and bathing waters

The beautiful blue waters of the South West are the region’s pride and joy. We're working hard to make sure people can continue to enjoy them, now and in the future.

WaterFit Live maps

WaterFit Live is our way of sharing with you near real-time data about our storm overflows, and whether they are impacting the quality of your bathing waters.

WaterFit Live maps image

What does the Water Industry mean by 'bathing waters'?

When talking about bathing waters, we mean those designated by Defra. There are 157 in our area, over a third of all the bathing waters in the country. The quality of these waters are closely monitored by us and the Environment Agency to protect the health of people bathing there.

Designation of bathing waters is a matter for the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In order for bathing water designation to be granted, an application has to be made to Defra. Anyone can make an application. More information on this process can be found here.

How we’re investing in our bathing waters

We’re delivering our largest environmental investment programme for 15 years, including over £330 million in our wastewater network from 2022-25.

Our WaterFit programme sets out our commitments and plans to deliver more for our beautiful South West region.

By 2025, we will be achieving:

per storm overflow, per year
monitoring at storm overflows
river bathing water status
4 star
Environmental Performance Assessment rating
Picture of a storm tank
Some of the things we're doing

Increasing storm storage

At times of high rainfall the water flow into our treatment works currently hits levels well above capacity. So, by increasing storm storage capacity, we plan to reduce the number of times wastewater is discharged straight into water courses (rivers, sea etc) through storm overflows – down to 17.5 spills per year in any one location by 2030.

More about storm overflows
Picture of works to separate sewers
Some of the things we're doing

Separating combined sewers

To further help control the amount of wastewater ending up at our treatment works, we’re separating surface water (rainwater) from the foul sewerage. The surface water is released into watercourses with minimal treatment, freeing up the treatment works to more efficiently treat foul sewage from homes and businesses.
Picture of a storm. A wave can be seen crashing over a railway track
Some of the things we're doing

Upgrading our sites

In the next few years, we’ll be upgrading, improving, and even relocating some sites to protect them from rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and demand changes.
A few people standing and looking at a river
Some of the things we're doing

Proactive interventions

We’re collaborating with landowners on a wide range of land management solutions which will help keep our rivers healthy.
Nature-based solutions
Picture of ants farming
Some of the things we're doing

Creating green spaces for wildlife

We’re making our sites more wildlife friendly in our ground management techniques and protecting the wildlife like bats, birds and unique plants and insects that already live there.

Our river bathing water pilot

We're running an exciting research project exploring water quality on the River Dart and the River Tavy, with the aim to award the first ever river bathing water status to particular stretches of these beautiful water sources.

Our river bathing water pilot image

Main challenges to bathing water quality

We’ve carried out a lot of research into the challenges the South West is particularly vulnerable to. The Top 5 challenges are:

Picture of a pile of dirty rags
Challenge Number 1

Wipes and fats, oils and grease (FOG)

Flushing things that aren’t pee, paper or poo, and pouring fats, oils and grease down the sink block our sewers and can cause sewer flooding and pollution into the water courses. We’re cracking down on this behaviour. Through our Love Your Loo and Think Sink campaigns, we’re bringing more awareness to the responsibility everyone has to keep our rivers and bathing waters healthy.

How to play your part
Picture of three pigs
Challenge Number 2

Pollution from other sources

Agricultural impacts alone account for 31% of the reasons for poor river health in our region. It’s incredibly important that we work closely with our farming community to improve run-off levels and help implement land management techniques that will help achieve higher quality rivers. Read more about our Upstream Thinking programme to find out how we’re doing it.

Birds eye view of a crowd of people
Challenge Number 3

Population growth

Did you know that since 1989 there’s been a 20% increase in the population in the South West? And over the last 15 years there’s been a 50% increase in tourism. This is increasing the demand on our assets, and in some places, the performance of our assets is being affected. Our new investment plans will increase the resilience of our network to these ever-increasing changes.

Satellite picture of building estate
Challenge Number 4

Urban creep

Some areas of the South West have seen incredible growth. This urban creep threatens water quality because it is reducing the amount of land available for water to naturally drain into. This means that more rainwater is entering our sewer network. Installing new surface-water sewers in key areas is a top priority for us, so that we can better manage the volume of wastewater entering our network.

lady with a yellow hat and binoculars looking out at water
Challenge Number 5

Climate change

The South West is particularly vulnerable to climate change, given its 860 miles of coastline. We’ve already seen the impacts with the 2022 Drought, alongside the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the region. But we’re confident that our investment has considered the risk of climate change, and will bring a new level of resilience and lower environmental impact to our operations.

Your Beach, Your Say, Our Investment

We're inviting local community and stakeholder groups to work with us, as we consider where we need to prioritise our investment for 2025.

Your Beach, Your Say, Our Investment image

In your area

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