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We hope you never feel like you have to make a complaint, but we know sometimes we don't get it right. Below is our complaints process.

What happens when you make a complaint?

We’re always sorry when our customers feel let down. When this happens, we want you to tell us so that we can learn from it and put it right.

Step 1

The quickest way to contact us is either by calling us or through Whatsapp.

We’ll do everything we can to sort your complaint straight away. 

Wherever possible we'll aim to reply within 5 working days, however on occasion this may take up to 10 working days. By that time, we should have investigated your issue, and will be in touch to find out more information, offer an explanation for your experience and come up with a solution where possible.

If we can’t meet your needs, we’ll explain why.

Step 2

If you're unhappy with our initial response, your complaint will be reviewed by a senior manager, they'll respond to you within ten working days.

Step 3

If you're still unhappy, you can refer your issue to the Consumer Council for Water online or call them on 0300 034 2222. They'll be able to help if;

  • You're not happy with the final resolution, or 
  • Your issue is over eight weeks old, or
  • You just want some free, trusted, independent advice.

Our Codes of Practice