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Welcome to South West Water

Bill rises explained

Everything you need to know about bill increases and support with paying

Bill rises explained image

Support for local communities

£5m financial support for individuals and communities

Support for local communities image

Bringing you better water services

£3.2 billion investment in safe, clean reliable drinking water, healthier rivers and seas and affordable bills

Bringing you better water services image
2 South West Water employees walking down a residential road smiling

Priority Services

A helping hand is sometimes just what we need, and our practical help aims to support you so you can still manage your account the way you want to. So if there's something you're struggling to do, let us know.

Register now
Lady looking at bills and using a calculator

Financial support

We have a wide range of different support, and we'll make sure you're matched with the right help at the right time. Just get in touch to start putting your money worries behind you.

Get help with your bill

The quality of your drinking water

Enter your full postcode in this box to learn more about the quality of the drinking water in your home.
Little girl drinking water at the kitchen table

WaterFit Live maps

WaterFit Live is our way of sharing with you near real-time data about our storm overflows, and whether they are impacting the quality of your bathing waters.

WaterFit Live maps image

Customer roadshows

Come and meet us at one of our roadshows, we’ll be explaining the work we’re doing in that area at the moment, and what we’ve got planned up to 2030.

Customer roadshows image