We're committed to operating to the highest standards of corporate governance. Our approach is an integral part of our culture, guiding how we do business, make decisions, measure long-term impacts and create value for our customers.
The South West Water Board is responsible for providing the leadership and resources needed for water supply and sewerage disposal services in our area.
The Board oversees the company’s operations and make sure that there's sufficient planning, maintenance, delivery and management so the company always remains in line with statuary and regulatory obligations.
Appointed: David was appointed to the Board on 1 July 2024 and became Chair on 24 July 2024.
Skills and experience:
Other appointments:
Appointed: Susan was appointed Group Chief Executive on 31 July 2020. She was appointed to the Board in February 2015 as Chief Finance Officer, having joined the Group as Finance Director of South West Water in 2007.
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Susan is a non-executive director and Audit Chair of Restore Plc. She is president of the IoW, holds a place on the board of Water UK, is a member of the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership Council and was previously a member of the A4S (Accounting for Sustainability) CFO leadership network.
Appointed: Laura was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Pennon Group in July 2024.
Skills and experience:
Laura was previously the Chief Customer and Digital Officer of Pennon Group between September 2022 and July 2024.
She was also an executive director and Chief Financial Officer of Bristol Water plc from October 2018. Alongside her financial responsibilities her role also encompassed leading the company’s transformation programme, as well as IT, HR, business services and communications
Laura continues to be a director of Pelican Business Services, a role she has held since 2019. Pelican provides billing and customer services across both Bristol Water and Wessex Water.
Other appointments: Laura previously worked in a number of executive positions in utilities and natural resources business including Bristol Energy, Anglo American and De Beers. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales.
Appointed: Iain was appointed to the Board on 1 September 2018 and became Senior Independent Director on 1 September 2023.
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Iain is a non-executive director of Bologna Topco Limited and HSM Advisory Limited and continues to act as an independent corporate strategy consultant.
Appointed: Claire was appointed to the Board on 1 September 2019.
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Claire is non-executive Chair of the Board and the Governance Committee for Axa XL – UK entities and non-executive Chair of the Audit Board of KPMG LLP.
Appointed: Dorothy was appointed to the Board on 1 December 2022
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Dorothy is a Non-Executive Director at consumer packaged goods group, Post Holdings, Inc. Dorothy is also a Trustee of the Charity the Consumers’ Association, Which?, the largest independent consumer rights organisation in the UK.
Appointed: Jon was appointed to the Board on 8 July 2020.
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Jon is currently President of the Pipeline Industries Guild - a national trade body covering a range of utility and energy sectors – and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a Director of the National Gas Museum Trust. He is passionate about public service, and for 12 years was an Ambassador for HM Young Offenders programme as well as serving as an Ambassador for Special Olympics Great Britain; and he is a current 4x4 Responder Volunteer, supporting NHS England.
Appointed: Loraine was appointed to the Board on 1 December 2022.
Skills and experience
Other appointments: Loraine is a Non-Executive Director of The Restaurant Group plc and a member of their Audit, Remuneration and Nomination Committees and is also a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee at British Land Company plc.
Appointed: Andrew Garard was appointed as Group General Counsel and Company Secretary on 1 December 2022.
Skills and Experience
Other appointments: Andrew is a Non-Executive Director at Zinc Media Group plc where he is Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
The Board is advised on the company’s performance by a group of committees that cover strategy, performance, delivery, compliance and governance.
As we're the primary water and wastewater supplier in the region, there is a very strict system of regulation in place to safeguard the best interests of our customers, stakeholders and the environment. We must ensure that our regulatory activities are compliant with these regulatory and legal obligations and regulators’ expectations.
The South West Water Compliance Group meets regularly to review the company’s activities in relation to these obligations against a register of Licence of Appointment, Non-Household Retail Market Code and ad-hoc regulatory compliance lists.
Failure to ensure compliance with regulatory obligations may render the company at risk of legal action, financial or reputational penalties and regulatory sanctions.
Condition R of our Licence Appointment requires us to have in place a Compliance Code. Amongst other things, the Code covers the provision and confidentiality of information between South West Water and any Licensee, to ensure that South West Water does not obtain a competitive advantage in the provision of water services.
View the current version of our Condition R Compliance Code.
Our Codes of Practice set out our legal obligations and responsibilities together with your rights and responsibilities as our customer. They are approved by the industry regulator Ofwat. They include information on the services that we provide, how we calculate water and sewerage charges and explain our complaints procedure.
Our Customer Promise explains what to expect from us and what we will do, should we fail to meet the required standards.