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Get involved

We want to hear what you have to say

Have you got a great idea for how the business can improve?

We're looking for people just like you to come along to our customer events and have your say on how we tackle challenges and improve our services. We love learning from our customers about what matters to them and value your support.

Customer engagement like this has helped shape our business priorities over the years, and guided our investments. You've raised it, and we've listened, investing bigger and better in areas like leakage, storm overflows and affordable billing. 


Yellow rubber ducks on a bright blue background

Our public meetings

As a valued customer, we want to give you more of a say in how we run your water company.

Join in
Glass under tap being filled with water

Our customer research workshops

Get involved and make a real difference in how our business is run by being part of our extensive customer research programme.

About our research
Group of customers crowding around a stall

2024 Roadshows

Giving you an opportunity to talk to us about your local area.

Register for one of our drop in sessions

Our stakeholder forum

Our Let's Talk Water Stakeholder Forums are an opportunity for you to meet with us to discuss key topics, get updates on projects and plans, share your views and get answers to questions.

Lets talk water!

Your Beach, Your Say, Our Investment

We're inviting local community and stakeholder groups to work with us, as we consider where we need to prioritise our investment for 2025.

Your Beach, Your Say, Our Investment image

Your water, your say

The regulator Ofwat and CCW asked all water companies to hold a session called Your Water, Your Say to share our plans, including the challenges we're facing and the different ways we're working to deliver more for customers and the environment.

Your water, your say image