
Would you like to be involved in our future customer research?

We run an extensive customer research programme, so there are plenty of ways you can get involved and have your say on how our businesses are run.

We're looking for people just like you to come along to our customer events and have your say on how we tackle challenges and improve our services. We love learning from our customers about what matters to them and value your support.

You can read about our recent customer engagement activities, what we’ve done and how we’ve used the findings within the links listed below.


The phases of research

Our research is structured into four phases that helps us structure our ongoing conversations with all our customers, and ensures your input can be included in the planning process at the right time.

The phases include specific business planning research, as well as business-as-usual activities, that means you can continue to have your say.

Our Plan for Change 2025-30
Satellite picture of building estate
Phase 1

Establishing priorities

To understand what matters most to customers and communities, right now

Picture of a couple under an umbrella
Phase 2

Understanding environmental and social values

To establish customers' willingness to pay, and appetite for bill rises.

Builder in a red hard hat using a computer
Phase 3

Understanding the balance and trade-offs

To understand the sequence of investment that delivers best value and low regrets.

Close up image of a hand using a calculator
Phase 4

Ensuring customer affordability and protections

To understand the outcomes and affordability support needed to protect customers