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Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste

Pioneering new research centre

Together with the University of Exeter, we’ve established the Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste (CREWW), where we’ll be researching some of the most important challenges faced by the water sector today. These include:

  • Protecting the water supply network
  • Maintaining a sustainable water supply-and-demand balance
  • Predicting and preventing storm overflows and pollutions
  • Safely treating and transporting wastewater
  • Understanding environmental resilience
  • Enabling a transition to Net Zero

CREWW projects bring together experts to further our understanding of these challenges, so we can improve services to benefit customers, grow our economy, and reduce our environmental impact.

A purpose-built centre on the University’s Streatham Campus was opened in March 2024. Here, academics and our own experts can collaborate to conduct world-leading research and analysis that will help achieve the goals of the programme. This research centre is the first of its kind for the water sector.

South West Water is investing £21 million into the project over an initial 5 year period, a £10.4 million grant from Research England and contributions from the University of Exeter takes the total investment in the partnership over £40 million by 2026.

We are very excited for the potential this work has to bring vital improvements to our networks in the South West, across the UK, and in some instances, globally.

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CaSTCo - Catchment Systems Thinking Cooperative image

CaSTCo - Catchment Systems Thinking Cooperative

This project aims to enhance our insight into river health through citizen- led monitoring activities and innovative modelling techniques. Using geospatial and flow modelling techniques, Exeter University will identify critical entry points for rural overland flows into the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) network to determine optimal locations for implementing nature-based and Green First solutions. This approach will aid decision-making for future investment and alleviate pressure on the network. 


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Leak detection worker

Leakage Prediction Project

This is a PhD research project that aims to drastically improve leak prediction. The project will draw together data about our drinking water infrastructure to produce a ‘heatmap’ model that will show high-risk areas on our network where leaks are more likely to occur.

This is something that has not been available for our network until now. If successful, South West Water will implement this tool in their day-to-day operations to better find and fix the invisible, long-term leaks the network suffers from.


Female lab scientist

Microplastics Laboratory

This project aims to grow our ability to quantify and reduce plastic throughout the water cycle—from abstraction to treatment, supply, and environmental return. Existing research has made strides in understanding microplastics, yet significant gaps persist.

To accelerate progress, a new 'CREWW Microplastics Lab' has been established within the CREWW Facility on the University of Exeter’s Streatham Campus, providing an enhanced research capability crucial for industry needs. This initiative seeks to bolster efforts in protecting the environment and consumers while preparing for future regulatory challenges.

Groundwater Infiltration Risk Map of Sewer image

Groundwater Infiltration Risk Map of Sewer

This pilot project for a single catchment within the SWW sewerage network has created a risk map using geospatial and flow modelling techniques to identify the sections of sewer most susceptible to groundwater infiltration.

This project advocates a future proactive approach to improve the location of infiltration into our network and prioritise interventions reducing infiltration in the most vulnerable areas. Reducing infiltration will reduce the volumes carried by the network providing greater capacity during rainfall events and arriving at our WWTW.

Picture of a dark storm over some hills

Understanding Storm Overflows and Surface Water Outfall discharges

An in-depth study Storm Overflows (SOs) and Surface Water Outfalls (SWOs) to characterise their chemical and microbial makeup will begin in autumn 2024.

Our £1 million investment bolstered with funding from the National Environment Research Council this 3.5 year project will enable the research team from Exeter University to develop a new source of data and evidence.  

This will be utilised to help identify and reduce harmful discharges, aid and inform decision-making for future water infrastructure investments and pave the way for further research that will improve water quality, ensuring cleaner, safer water for communities and safeguarding the environment.