Sewer requisition

If you have a new development site with no access to a public sewer because land owned by a 3rd party is in the way, we can lay a sewer(s) to serve your site.

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We’ll agree land entry, easements and compensation for crossing the land.

Sewers can normally only be requisitioned for domestic purposes, either to serve a new development or as a 1st time service to existing properties. The requisitioned sewer would be built by us as a public sewer (serving more than one property) or as a lateral drain (serving only one property)

To requisition the sewer, the developer must have been granted full planning permission for the proposed development.

Pre Development Services

If you're planning a new development, you’ll need to talk to us in the early stages of planning so that we can avoid delays and provide support and advice on your proposal.

Pre Development Services image

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