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Environmental Information Regulations

The Environmental information regulations provide public access to information classified as 'Environmental information' held by public authorities

What are the Environmental Information Regulations? (2004) (“EIR”)

South West Water has been subject to the EIR since 2015.The EIR allows public access to environmental information which South West Water, as a public authority, hold. This means members of the public can ask us for information on the following:

  • the state of the elements of the environment (e.g. water, air, soil or land)
  • factors affecting those elements (e.g. radiation, noise, energy or waste)
  • measures and activities affecting the elements and factors
  • reports on the implementation of environmental legislation
  • economic analyses used within the framework of the measures and activities above
  • the state of human Health and Safety as they may be affected by the above.

Please note that South West Water is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (2000).

Making a request

To make a request, please feel free do to so by emailing

Alternatively write to:

Environmental Information Regulation Requests
South West Water Limited
Peninsula House
Rydon Lane

South West Water is required to respond in writing to requests for environmental information within 20 working days. In some cases, an extension up to 40 working days might be required to respond to high volume or complex requests for example. If an extension is required South West Water will notify you of this. Please note, working days do not include weekends or bank holidays.

To ensure we are able to best assist you with your request, we would advise that if possible you:

  • make your request using the contact details above,
  • identify the information you want as clearly as you can
  • include your name, address and or email for response.
  • be as specific as you can about the information you want, and what period of time you are interested in
  • if you send your request in writing maintain a copy for yourself
  • additional guidance on making requests can be found on ICO website Information Commissioner's Office
  • requests can be made anonymously via sites such as What Do They Know.

Unable to provide the requested information

Sometimes, we are unable to provide the requested information. This could be for several reasons:

  • The requested information does not fall within the scope of the EIR;
  • One of the available exceptions under the EIR applies to the request;
  • We do not hold the requested information; or 
  • The public interest in with holding the requested information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.

View more information on exclusions available under the EIR.

Environmental information made available through our website can be viewed by members of the public for free.

If you still cannot find what you are looking for or if you require information in hard copy form please contact us at to make a request.