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Net Zero

Making sure we take out as much carbon as we put into the environment through our operations.

Our commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030 includes:

car and van fleet
renewable energy
planted by 2025
reduction in leaks

What Net Zero means for us

It means cutting up to 100,000 tonnes in carbon emissions.

We’re focusing on how we create and use energy in the most efficient way and how we can innovatively use our local environment to reverse carbon emissions for decades to come. 

Solar panel and wind turbine
What we're doing

Using renewable energy

Luckily for us, the South West provides us with everything we need - plenty of sun, wind and water. We run a hydro-electric power station at Mary Tavy, have installed solar panels at a number of our more energy-intensive sites, and use wind power too. 100% of all our electricity is now bought from renewable sources.


Picture of peatlands
What we're doing

Restoring peatland

When they're healthy, peatlands can store vast quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) - twice as much as all the Earth's forests put together.

Nature-based solutions
Waste water treatment settling phase
What we're doing

Reducing energy consumption at our sites

We’ve optimised our water and sewage pumping stations, put energy-saving procedures and technology in our offices including automatic lights and taps, and doing everything we can to reduce leaks on our network so that energy isn’t wasted treating water that’s never used.

Waste water treatment centre
What we're doing

Producing biogas as a waste product from our treatment works

At our wastewater treatment works, huge amounts of biogas can be produced through our sludge processes. We're looking into how we can use this biogas to fuel some of our trucks and sell it back to the grid when we have some spare. Once processed, the sludge itself can be used by farmers as fertilisers on their fields.

Looking ahead

As new tools, technologies, and eco solutions develop, we’ll adapt our climate plans accordingly.

And those ambitious plans don’t stop at Net Zero by 2030. We’re committed to going beyond this – reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with purchased goods and services (‘embodied’ carbon) and those associated with waste generated by 2045. We’ll share more detail on our 2045 goals as those plans mature.

Our promise to the planet

Our plan is grounded in three pillars:

Sustainable living with plug icon Championing renewables with solar panel icon Reversing carbon emissions with cloud icon

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Going further with research

As well as our carbon-busting plans we’ve also teamed up with Exeter University, creating a new state-of-the-art research facility called CREWW. Through this unique partnership we’ll solve some of the biggest environmental challenges; floods droughts and rising sea levels.

Going further with research image