We’ve pulled together a handy page with important details about the services we provide and how you can get in touch with us
We provide clean drinking water for around 1.8 million customers in Cornwall, Devon, parts of Somerset and Dorset and the Isles of Scilly. We treat it to such a standard that your drinking water is some of the best in the world.
We work tirelessly every single day to make sure your wastewater is taken away, treated, and then responsibly released into the environment. We maintain over 11,000 miles of pipes and optimise the pumping stations that making sure it's pumped up and down hills
Our Priority Services are available to anyone living within our region who could benefit from a bit of extra help. The help available doesn’t have to be for you, if you’re an account holder or nominated carer you can register on behalf of someone else.
It’s really easy - just complete our form and we’ll be in touch to have a chat about how we can best support you.
Did you know we're one of the fastest growing regions in the country? We connect around 8,000 new properties each year to our network, as well as connecting some already existing properties.
Our dedicated Developer Services team provide a cost effective service to any scale of development, from new domestic and commercial developments to agricultural or replacement water supplies.
Why not take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions and see if you can find the answer there.
Did you know you can update your account details, submit meter readings and more through MyAccount?
Contacting us is nice and easy, please select one of the choices below to be sure we direct you to the right team.
Please check our In Your Area map to find out whether local repair work we’re carrying out is temporarily affecting your supply. We normally contact our customers 48 hours beforehand if we know the supply is going to be affected for more than two hours.
Wherever you've found a leak, please let us know by giving us a call on 0344 346 2020 or by filling out our online form.
Find out who's responsible for repairing a leak by using our simple guide to pipe ownership. 'Customer leaks' are the leaks that are found on customers' pipes.
It’s rare for us to visit you without a pre-arranged appointment, but so that you can be sure it’s us, we’ve got a Password scheme.
When we arrange a visit with you, you can choose a secret word which our engineers will repeat to you when they arrive to give you peace of mind.