
You might have seen reports about storm overflows discharges at bathing sites in the local, regional and national press.

We know that we, as a water company, have a big part to play in improving our network and reducing the number of discharges. We also know there's lots more work to do.

Did you know: agricultural runoff is the biggest polluter of rivers and waterways as it often carries along pesticides, fertilisers and animal slurry?

And urban runoff from roads can also carry pollutants like oil, diesel and petrol?

We've created some videos below to explain more about storm overflows and when they're activated.

Storm overflows

Watch how our video explaining how storm overflows work

Storm overflows image


See how blockages can affect storm overflows.

Rainfall and water quality

Understand how rainfall affects water quality.

Bathing water quality

If you're heading to the beach why not check out our interactive WaterFit Live map? Zoom in on your local beach to see today’s bathing water quality there. Remember to keep an eye on tide times and any lifeguard guidance too.

Bathing water quality image

Bathing water quality FAQs

We know a lot of people have questions so we've put together some frequently asked questions to help you understand what’s happening and why.

Bathing water quality FAQs image