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Our South West

A place for everyone

Welcome to the South West! Beaches, rolling hills, clotted cream teas (whichever way you have it) and lots of ways to enjoy water! 

Our area is a famous tourist destination, and rightly so - who wouldn't want to come and enjoy what we have? The influx of visitors increases our population by over five times, and brings with it a huge boost to the local economy.

Keeping things flowing with such a variable population does put pressure on our operations, on the environment and on our communities. It's a challenge we prepare for every year, so that no one has to think about the next glass of water, or flush of the loo, and everyone can enjoy the places we call home.

Visiting the South West?

Welcome! We hope you enjoy visiting our lakes, rivers and, of course, beautiful beaches. Please visit responsibly, picking up rubbish, saving water and only flushing the 3Ps!

Visiting the South West? image
Surfers legs walking on beach

Heading to the beach today?

WaterFit Live is our way of sharing with you near real-time data about our storm overflows, and whether they are impacting the quality of your bathing waters.

View our maps
Sea swimmer in a blue swimming cap

Our commitment to rivers and bathing water

In 2022, we were delighted to announce 100% of our coastal bathing waters met the standards - find out how we're going further.

Rivers and bathing waters

We're not just busy at the seaside - we're working hard inland too

Picture of a person working in a pond wearing a hi vis jacket

Nature-based solutions to challenges

Planting trees, building fences, land management schemes and peatland restoration are just some of the activities we get involved with to improve water quality.

Find out more
Biodiversity team surveying

Keeping non-native invasive species at bay

Protecting the homes of wildlife unique to the South West waterways means going head-to-head with some of the most invasive species on the planet.

Find out how

It's about the people too

Being out and about in our communities is something that we love to do, and there's plenty of ways we do it.

Find out where we are today

Spotting us at regional shows, having a lesson at school or applying for community funding – there are plenty of ways you’ll meet us out and about in your area.

Find out where we are today image