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Since cryptosporidium was detected in our network we have worked as fast as possible to remove it and make your water safe again. To do that, our teams have:
The map below shows this in detail and where the protections are now in place.
Extensive interventions have been undertaken to both remove and destroy cryptosporidium from the water supply system.
From time to time, we may see low-level detections of cryptosporidium at sampling points even after interventions are complete. Each of these detections is fully investigated and shared with public health bodies.
Investigations undertaken so far have confirmed:
Whilst it is not possible to test whether cryptosporidium detected are alive or dead, it is increasing unlikely they will be in a condition that might cause illness or infection due to time that has now elapsed since the source of contamination was isolated on 15th May. Expert opinion confirms that cryptosporidium degrades over time when in water systems. In addition, any residual contamination has been subject to aggressive cleaning techniques which significantly reduces its harmful lifespan further.
In addition, UV treatment has been installed because it is highly effective in making cryptosporidium harmless, and filters remain in place to ensure residual levels are removed prior to reaching customer homes.
Based on the findings of our investigations the water remains safe to continue to use as normal.
We know our customers have questions about what happens when the Boil Water notice is lifted, we've answered the most commonly asked questions below.