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Are you visiting our beautiful region?

The South West has so much to offer visitors and we hope you have an amazing stay. While you’re here, there’s something you can do to help both the local communities and our beautiful environment.

By being careful with your water use, you'll help protect this precious resource. Demand for water goes up when there are more visitors so to ensure there is enough to go round, please only use what you need.  If the reservoir levels reduce dramatically, this can impact local wildlife as well as making hosepipe bans more likely in the future for local communities  

Where you can save even more water

Following these simple water saving tips during your stay, could make a big difference.

In the bathroom image
Where you can save water

In the bathroom

  • Choose a short shower rather than a bath
  • Turn off the taps while brushing your teeth
  • If the toilet has a dual flush, just use the small flush whenever possible
  • Bedding and towels do not need washing every day
  • If you notice any leaky pipes or dripping taps, let your holiday host know
In the kitchen image
Where you can save water

In the kitchen

  • Refrigerate a bottle of tap water instead of letting the tap run cold
  • Take a refillable water bottle out for the day instead of buying bottled water
  • Only fill the kettle with the water you need
  • Wash fruit and vegetables in a bowl of water, not under the tap
  • Only run the washing machine on a full load – and use the eco setting
  • Avoid pre-rinsing dishes, simply scrape and place in the dishwasher
Picture of an orange tent in woods
Where you can save water

If you’re camping

  • Make sure you turn off any taps in shower and toilet facilities or after filling up your caravan or motorhome’s water tank on site
  • If you see a leak or a dripping tap, let the campsite owner/manager know

Water efficiency and climate change

Climate change is making weather patterns less predictable. Heatwaves and droughts are becoming more frequent. We need to make sure there’s a reliable supply of drinking water for everyone in the region throughout the year, especially if there's a long dry spell.

We're increasing storage capacity by building new reservoirs and addressing leaks on the network, as well as helping local residents find ways to use less water. Visitors to the region also have an important role to play, so thank you for using less water during your stay.